Steps to become a Product Designer

Torresburriel Estudio
5 min readMay 31, 2023


Becoming a successful product designer requires a disciplined approach and a passion for creativity and innovation. Join us as we explore the fundamental steps that will help you achieve a successful career in product design. From acquiring technical skills to developing an entrepreneurial mindset, these are the steps that will guide you on the right path to becoming an outstanding product designer. Let’s get started!

If you want to go deeper into the process of product design, you can do so with our Product Design Specialization Program (this training is in Spanish):

Programa de Especialización en Diseño de Producto

Steps to become a successful Product Designer

Here are the most important steps that other successful product designers have taken to reach where you want to be in a few years. Apply them, and you will soon see the desired results!

Photo by Dose Media on Unsplash

Study Product Design and develop technical skills

To become a competent product designer, it is essential to acquire academic training in product design. These programs will provide you with the theoretical and practical foundations needed to understand design principles, product development methodologies, and the application of creative concepts in creating innovative solutions.

At UX Learn, the learning platform of Torresburriel Estudio, we specialize in providing training in this field through our Product Design Specialization Program. This program offers high employability and ensures professionalism in line with our brand.

It is also important to develop strong technical skills in product design. This involves familiarizing yourself with and mastering digital product design tools such as Sketch, Figma, or Adobe XD. These resources will allow you to visualize and materialize your ideas digitally before bringing them into the physical world.

A good product designer understands the wide range of materials and technologies available. Stay up to date with the latest technology trends and discover how they can be incorporated into your designs to enhance functionality and competitiveness.

Studying user behavior is perhaps the most important aspect of becoming a relevant product designer. Product design focuses on creating solutions that are functional and satisfying for users. Integrate UX principles and learn how to apply them in your designs to ensure a comfortable and ergonomic experience for your future customers. Consider how users interact with your product and seek to optimize that interaction through intuitive and pleasant design. Remember, learning to walk before you run is crucial, and user experience is key in Product Design!

Expand your market knowledge

The idea behind this point is simple: a good product designer should have a deep understanding of the market they are trying to break into. Expanding your market knowledge will allow you to understand current and future trends, technological advancements, and consumer demands. To accomplish this, it is important to invest time in analyzing successful products, staying updated on trends and new innovative products (they can give you ideas for your own product), and understanding the needs of your project’s users.

All of this will enable you to develop innovative products and stay at the forefront of the product design industry.

Encourage collaboration and feedback

Collaboration and feedback are fundamental elements for growth and development as a product designer. Here are some key strategies to foster effective collaboration and obtain valuable feedback:

  • Work in cross-functional teams: Look for opportunities to collaborate with professionals from different areas, such as engineers, marketing specialists, or user experience experts. Make the most of your colleagues’ knowledge!
  • Promote open communication: Establish clear communication channels and create an environment where all team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas and opinions. Actively listen and value others’ contributions, creating a conducive space for effective collaboration. Collaboration and communication among team members are crucial for a company to function and achieve business success.
  • Conduct brainstorming sessions: Organize brainstorming sessions where all team members can participate. The ideas that arise during these sessions can be the starting point for creative and unique solutions in your future products.
  • Seek regular feedback: Share your ideas and prototypes at early stages with colleagues and industry experts. Seek their honest and valuable opinion about your work. Constructive feedback will help you identify areas for improvement and strengthen your skills as a designer.
  • Engage in design communities and events: Join design groups, attend conferences, and participate in industry events. These activities provide opportunities to meet other designers, establish professional connections, and receive feedback from recognized experts in the field of product design.

Remember that collaboration and feedback not only allow you to gain new perspectives but also help you develop communication and teamwork skills, which are essential for success as a product designer.

Create a unique portfolio and present yourself to companies

Creating a unique portfolio and presenting it to companies is a key step in becoming a successful product designer. To achieve this, you need to select and organize your best projects, create an attractive visual narrative, highlight key skills, include personal and collaborative projects, and constantly update your portfolio. Additionally, platforms like LinkedIn can be very useful as they provide opportunities to connect with important people in your industry.

Once you have completed this work, it’s time to present your portfolio to relevant companies where you want to work. Unless you prefer to start your own journey in this world with your own product design company, which is a brave and admirable option.

This process will allow you to stand out in the market and establish professional connections to secure job opportunities.

It is worth mentioning that with the Product Design Specialization Program, you will have the opportunity to work on a practical final product design project. The added advantage is that this project will be supervised by industry professionals who will guide you and provide instructions on how to design a winning product.

Becoming a successful product designer requires a combination of technical skills, creativity, and interpersonal abilities. To achieve this, it is important to follow a series of key steps, including acquiring technical knowledge, building a strong portfolio, and presenting your work to relevant companies. Additionally, it is necessary to stay updated on the latest trends and practices in product design and always strive for continuous improvement. Invest in your knowledge and your future, as countless opportunities await you out there!



Torresburriel Estudio

User Experience & User Research agency focused on services and digital products. Proud member of @UXalliance