Difference between data, findings and insights in UX Research

Torresburriel Estudio
3 min readJun 12, 2024


In the universe of user experience design, UX research plays a fundamental role in understanding the needs and desires of users.

In this article, we will explore three fundamental concepts of UX Research: data, findings, and insights.

Photo byMarcel Eberle on Unsplash

Deciphering the relationship and differences between these terms will allow us to make the most of the valuable information we collect from our users, thus ensuring a truly user-centered design. Let’s see what each one is about and how they contribute to the success of a user-centered design.

Data in UX Research

Data are the most elemental pieces in the puzzle of UX research. They consist of objective and quantifiable information collected from various sources. Some of these sources can be surveys, metric analysis, user logs, behavior observations, interviews, and field studies. Data can be both numerical (quantitative) and descriptive (qualitative), and their collection is the first step toward gaining a solid and enriched understanding of user behavior.

See also:

Example of data

Let’s imagine we are designing a fitness application. By analyzing the data collected from users, we discover that 70% of them abandon the app after completing only half of the program. Additionally, we observe that the average time users spend in the workout section is significantly less than in other sections of the app, such as diets or progress tracking.

Findings in UX Research

Findings are like precious gems obtained after mining and processing the data. They are the concrete and objective patterns and inferences that emerge from data analysis.

Findings answer the questions posed in the research and give us a clear and factual picture of what is happening with users. They are the bridge between raw data and useful conclusions, allowing us to make informed decisions to improve the user experience.

Example of findings

Using the data mentioned earlier, an important finding would be that there is a high dropout rate in the fitness application, especially halfway through the program and notably in the workout section. Additionally, the limited amount of time users spend in the workout section could indicate that something in it is not working as it should or is not meeting users’ expectations.

Insights in UX Research

Insights go beyond findings and provide us with a deep, contextual understanding of why certain patterns or behaviors observed in the data are occurring.

Insights help us uncover the reasons behind the findings and gain a broader perspective on user behavior. These revealing perspectives allow us to make more impactful and effective design decisions.

Example of insights

Returning to the fitness application example, one insight we might gain is that the high dropout rate in the workout section could be related to a lack of variety in the exercises, a perceived level of difficulty that is too high, or limited user interaction. Additionally, the limited time users spend in this section may be due to an unintuitive user interface or an unattractive presentation of the content. To retain users, it would be beneficial to offer a wider range of exercises, adjust the difficulty level, increase user interaction, and improve the presentation of the content.

In short, UX Research is a crucial component in the user-centered design process. Data provides us with objective information, findings give us concrete results, and insights offer us deeper understandings. By combining these three concepts, we can make informed decisions to improve our users’ experience and create products and services that truly meet their needs.

So, when embarking on your next design project, remember the importance of collecting data, analyzing findings, and discovering insights to deliver an exceptional user experience.



Torresburriel Estudio

User Experience & User Research agency focused on services and digital products. Proud member of @UXalliance